mirdif american school

They acknowledge youngsters from all nationalities and foundations and takes into account understudies everything being equal, from understudies of assurance to skilled and capable … Phone: 00 971 4 2883303 Mirdif American School, previously known as Mirdif Private School, is an American curriculum school that educates children aged 3 to 15 years old. Box 79195, Dubai, Dubai. Quick Links. Mirdif American School, formerly Mirdif Private School, is a hybrid US-Arabic curriculum KG-Middle School based, despite its name, in Al Mizhar. Mirdif American School - formerly Mirdif Private School - is a US curriculum school located in the Al Mizhar area, close to Mirdif, which opened in 1995. This allows the school to meet each child’s individual requirements. Mirdif American School, Dubai was founded in 1995 as an American-based curriculum school accepting students from the age of 3 till 15 years old. Mirdif American School - formerly Mirdif Private School - is a US curriculum school located in the Al Mizhar area, close to Mirdif, which opened in 1995. In September, 2009 the school relocated to its newly purpose-built campus expanding into grades 7 and 8 in September 2010 to reach the three levels of : Kindergarten, Elementary and Intermediate. Despite its relative age in terms of established schools in Dubai, the school, which caters mainly to Emirati children, is open only from KG1 to Grade 8. Mirdif American School - formerly Mirdif Private School - is a US curriculum school located in the Al Mizhar area, close to Mirdif, which opened in 1995. Mirdif American School (Admissions) Mirdif American School. Pobox 79195 Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Al Mizhar 1 - Algeria Street P.O. K-5: 615 6-8: 300 9-12: 0 Total: 915. Mirdif American School, Dubai was established in 1995 and is an American-based educational programs tolerating understudies from Pre-Kindergarten to Middle School. Learn about this school's current job vacancies, salaries, benefits, hiring policies, school demographics, even the typical annual savings, and much more. Schoology; Reading/ Math E- Alpha (Grade1-3) Raz Kids-(KG2-Grade 4) Savvas-Math & Science (HMH) Contacts. Despite its relative age in terms of established schools in Dubai, the school, which caters mainly to Emirati children, is open only from KG1 to Grade 8. Mirdif American Schools offers quality education from Kindergarten to Grade 8, and its student population stands at 895 pupils. It’s reflected in the school’s commitment to special needs students and in the remedial classes offered. Approximate enrollment. Established in 1995, the school started its operation as a family-run villa school in Dubai. Mirdif American School (United Arab Emirates) Address. Despite its relative age in terms of established schools in Dubai, the school, which caters mainly to Emirati children, is open only from KG1 to Grade 8. Mirdif American School, Dubai was founded in 1995 as an American-based curriculum school accepting students from the age of 3 to 15 years old.

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