kindness and wellbeing
GOODNET. Kindness is a simple choice that profoundly affects the quality of people's well-being. This article was a true refresher in what it means to be human sharing our lives with one another – even if we don’t know each other. RAK foundation’s goal is to make kindness a standard in all aspects of life. It provides students with prompts to share kindness to friends and family, and writing prompts, as well as how to do shout-outs, appreciation boxes, temperature checks, the buddy-system, and community circle. Ikea in Catania, Italy is letting stray dogs sleep on its rugs this winter. However, somewhere along the way, we learn other things which may conflict: focus, prioritization, selfishness, greed. How often you perform the behaviours influences happiness, Lyubomirsky found, but not always in the way you may think. Explore more than 902 'Kindness' resources for teachers, parents and pupils as well as related resources on 'Kindness Activities' Meaning is a pillar of wellbeing identified by Martin Seligman, psychologist, educator and promotor of positive psychology. Our society celebrates random acts of kindness. Kindness is a habit of giving—of wanting to lift burdens from others or to merely provide a helping hand or a shoulder to cry on. Some of the resources are Feelings flashcards and games, ways to include kindness into your family routine, and how to advocate for animals. PDF), What is Mindful Self-Compassion? Kinder Leeds launched its first Festival of Kindness, Compassion and Wellbeing in September 2020, and this event proved a powerful opportunity for people to come together and share inspiration for a kinder community, and a kinder world. In your day to day, whom do you see or interact with? Family? Smile genuinely at 5 strangers throughout your day. (2003). Our society celebrates random acts of kindness. Performing acts of kindness and helping other people can be good for people's health and well-being, according to new research. Web. In B. Fehr, S. Sprecher, & L.G. By embracing kindness as a value, ... A Shared Response, there might just be a framework for building community wellbeing beyond the pandemic. Whoever you interact with today, if it’s 3-50, compliment the first two people. Since this is an important chemical for improving cognitive ability, the need for kindness in schools becomes clear. As the term “wellbeing” is used across disciplines, there is no consensus on the definition of wellbeing. But kindness is an intrinsically risky endeavour. Research is just at the precipice of trying to understand the positive effects that random acts of kindness can give. It's in your brain chemicals, too. Let your boss know that you appreciate them and the way they _______ (you fill in the blank). Kindness is a simple choice that profoundly affects the quality of people's well-being. The change - from the original theme of “Sleep” - was made by the Mental Health Foundation, the charity that has set the theme and hosted the Week for the last 20 years. Kids can play dress up, feed the animals and share toys (Thiefels, 2016). THE ASIAN AGE. Students take care of pets that are ailing from different diagnoses (Thiefels, 2016). (2016) 10 Great Apps to Promote Kindness in the Classroom. Kindness is an act of courage. (Incl. Peek-a-Zoo is a multilingual app that is based on the peek-a-boo game. 5 Ways Acts of Kindness Can Improve Your Wellbeing By Dave Kerpen We all learned the importance of kindness as children. When we are talking about wellbeing we are talking about a balanced way of living our lives. Included are great ways to integrate random acts of kindness into their student’s learning. 4 This, in turn, can improve our self-esteem. Spouse? This neuroplasticity occurs right up until the very last seconds of our lives. KINDNESS AND MENTAL WELLBEING Jackie Chan once said, sometimes it takes only one act of kindness and caring to change a person’s life. We each are able to acknowledge one another in the simplest of ways that we are human, we are in need, and we are in awe of all that there is to appreciate amongst us. According to cutting edge science and ancient wisdom, we all need an enabling environment in which to flourish and latest research suggests we live a kinder world than we imagine. Compassionate motivation and compassionate acts across the adult life course: Evidence from US national studies. Where she hopes to offer a change in perspective to complementary and alternative business owners. Some neo-Darwinian decision rules for altruism: Weighing cues for inclusive fitness as a function of the biological importance of the decision. So much for kindness, compassion and well-being – putting the family first – particularly our most vulnerable – the elderly and the very young. Whether one believes in religion or not, and whether one believes in rebirth or not, there isn’t anyone who doesn’t appreciate kindness and compassion. Pure Planet: Where Kindness and Wellbeing Are Embedded at the Heart of Company Culture 19th May, 2020 Richard Roberts. Ages 2-6. These random acts of kindness show your co-workers you care and spread positivity in the workplace, improving wellbeing for everyone. 5 Ways Acts of Kindness Can Improve Your Wellbeing By Dave Kerpen We all learned the importance of kindness as children. I found myself thinking of this question as I wrote this blog because it’s a good question to ask, “When did I give of myself without expecting anything in return?”. As a progressive commentator on Fox News and now CNN, Sally Kohn has made a career out of bridging intractable political differences and learning how to talk respectfully with people whose views she disagrees with passionately. Four Little Corners is an interactive storybook app that teaches lessons on tolerance, equality, and compassion by integrating geometry (Thiefels, 2016). Kindness pushes your body to produce serotonin, which is commonly known as the “feel-good” chemical that provides healing and calming feelings. Throughout the month of March, At the Gates of the Soul will explore how compassion can benefit our mental wellbeing. When you consider the times when you’ve practice random acts of kindness, what past practices come to mind? No kind action ever stops with itself. It’s simply doing something nice for someone else, without them asking and without you doing it for anything in return. I hope you enjoy the following quotes on kindness and they inspire you to continue to be kind towards yourself, other people and the planet. An act of kindness can benefit another person's life, but it can also hugely benefit yours - both mentally and physically. Your brain is wired in the form of connections between cells where over time all of your feelings, emotions, and body language is wired extensively into these circuits. There’s even a fun worksheet where the student can create a Kindness Poem. This actually allows for healthy brain cells to overcome the damaged ones by passing information throughout the brain in different ways when we are injured or fallen ill. A fellow diner paid for her and her family’s dinner and wrote a note to explain: The note says, “I lost my wife to cancer 5 years ago. The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves. There is an option to digitally download free content. This approach can be a very helpful tool in healing and changing the tone of our inner dialogues and enhancing wellbeing. Mental health leaders and campaigners are now paving the way to introduce ‘employee kindness’ as a key skill for individuals’, to improve productivity and ensure a happier workforce. This theme focusses on basic and applied research designed to illuminate the nature of kindness, its antecedents, and its consequences. Random acts of kindness are anything but random – they are about our choosing to become the change we want to see in the world. To other people, to ourselves and to the world. Kindness & Wellbeing. Kindness & Wellbeing. Research at both Berkley and Harvard shows that those who practiced gratitude on a regular basis were more optimistic and reported significantly better levels of mental health. Retrieved 3 March 2019, Retrieved from: By filling out your name and email address below. Activities + Quotes), 12 Best Compassion Training Exercises & Activities, 16 Compassion Focused Therapy Training Exercises and Worksheets. What follows is a collection of just some of the research that I have come across over the years - and which I believe speaks deeply to the effects of love, kindness, compassion and altruism on us all. This includes its behavioural manifestations, motivations and outcomes, and it focusses on both givers and recipients of kindness. KINDNESS AND ALTRUISM - THE PACK OF POSITIVITY . Kindness can increase the feeling of strength and energy due to helping others. First, check out the Random Acts of Kindness official website to see all the great lesson plans they have for kindergarten to 8th grade. Ryff C.D., Keyes C.L.M. Involving our Service Users. First, let’s define each of these terms. At the root of every issue and every emotion is the need for acknowledgment, and it is what makes being human and living so beautiful. KINDNESS AND ALTRUISM - THE PACK OF POSITIVITY Meaning is a pillar of wellbeing identified by Martin Seligman, psychologist, educator and promotor of positive psychology. These random acts of kindness show your co-workers you care and spread positivity in the workplace, improving wellbeing for everyone. Now, just thinking about moving your right arm, and imagining moving it over and over again can actually make the muscles in this same arm stronger. We’re continuing to provide support to teachers, children, young people and parents through the coronavirus crisis. You could think of mindfulness as wise and affectionate attention. In the most general sense, well-being is a positive outcome that is a determinant for people throughout all societies of how their lives are going (Frey & Stutzer, 2002; Andrews & Withey, 1976; Diener, 2000; Ryff & Keyes, 1995; Diener, Suh, Oishi, 1997; Veenhoven, 2008). This app has a variety of animals with a wide range of personalities (Thiefels, 2016). Kindness affects you differently as you age. This piece has some really great resources and explanations of RAK’s and how to live it throughout your days. Research suggests that acts of giving and kindness can help improve your mental wellbeing by: creating positive feelings and a sense of reward; giving you a feeling of purpose and self-worth; helping you connect with other people; It could be small acts of kindness towards other people, or larger ones like volunteering in your local community. First, let’s define each of these terms. As you’re reading the science behind kindness and living a positive life, make sure to think of your own daily routine. Another reason why kindness is so important to our overall wellbeing is that it promotes gratitude for our own current situations which leads to empathy, compassion and connectedness to others. Practicing kindness can have an extremely positive effect on serotonin levels. Kindness and our mental health are deeply connected and kindness can be an antidote to isolation and create a sense of belonging. Kindness, Relationships and Wellbeing. Kindness is most similar to a medical anti-depressant. It's in your brain chemicals, too. This reduces blood pressure, and therefore, oxytocin is known as a “cardioprotective” hormone. What was also interesting is that acts of kindness increased the sense of happiness and wellbeing for not only the receivers, but also the givers. (1960). The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 26 September, 2019. What is Kindness in Psychology? It teaches the child about faces and facial expressions (Thiefels, 2016). Exline, J.J., Lisan, A.M., & Lisan, E.R. The stories in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Random Acts of Kindness will uplift you, inspire you, and brighten your day. Ages 8-14. Meaning is a pillar of wellbeing, which is closely linked to the concept of kindness and altruism — having concern for the wellbeing of others. Pain – kindness releases endorphins in the brain. In fact, research by John Gottman found that kindness is one of the most important predictors of … Whether you are recipient or giver or merely just a witness you can feel the benefits of an increase in oxytocin. American Psychologist 2000;55(1):34–43. Kindness and Well-being Challenges We have been overwhelmed with your kindness over the past few weeks and superb effort in putting a smile on all of our faces! Write a thank-you note to the cafeteria staff. Research published by the American Psychological Association found pro-social behavior like acts of kindness and helping others could be beneficial, but not all good deeds could provide equal benefits. So, they have a “44% lower likelihood of dying early, and that’s after sifting out every other contributing factor, including physical health, exercise, gender, habits like smoking, marital status, and many more. Or fellow bus or train riders? DPS from the Social Express is for elementary-aged kids and helps kids identify and label emotions (Thiefels, 2016). Students can meet other students around the world, and learn what they like to do, how they speak, and much more (Thiefels, .2016). Retrieved 3March 2019, from Kindness and compassion can be seen as a way to help others, but compassion also benefits the giver as well as the receiver of that kindness. Random Acts of Kindness day is February 17. Included in kindness is not only compassion but acknowledgment. However, not all good-hearted behaviour is equally beneficial to the giver. Is from the official app of the Global Pay it Forward movement that was designed to make the world a better place to live (5 Apps that will increase our kindness quotient). Through this study, they found evidence that people who were generous financially, like with charitable donations, were the happiest overall. Kindness decreases pain, by generating endorphins (the brain’s natural painkiller). There are many ways to teach kids how to be kind and how to do it randomly. According to Hui, these studies show that prosocial behavior provides different benefits depending on your age. Provides the kids with ideas for random acts of kindness like smile at 25 people, or pick up 10 pieces of trash (Thiefels, 2016). Research tells us that self-compassion plays a vital role in our mental wellbeing and can act as a powerful antidote to many mental health difficulties. The warm feeling of wellbeing that washes over you when you've done something kind isn't just in your head. The warm feeling of wellbeing that washes over you when you've done something kind isn't just in your head. The Netherlands A great way of learning about kindness and the benefits for both the recipient and the giver is to practice it. Throughout life, as we learn new things, grow, change our minds and even change our habits, new networks of new brain connections are laid down and old networks unravel. The norm of reciprocity: A preliminary statement. Take some flowers or sweet treats to a nurse’s station at a nearby hospital. This is my Valentine to you – given with love and best wishes for your health and well-being in every respect. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology 1997;24:25–41. More importantly, we should all make a conscious endeavour to be kind. Kindness and Wellbeing – 17th May 2020 : Introduction ‘In a world where you can be anything, be kind.’ Jennifer Dukes Lee Kindness is all around us. Kindness – The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. Kindness and well being. There is evidence to show that using LKM and CM have an associated effect of an increase in positive affect and a decrease in negative affect. Through years of experience, we each have been trained in our thoughts and perspectives of what kindness is, what it means, what the intention behind someone’s kindness is, so that it is often lost what the kind act is. It can risk us looking foolish or being taken advantage of, which is why we sometimes retreat. For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. She asked her followers sincerely but not seriously if they could help track the book for her. LKS2 Winter Activity Booklet - 1. Give up your seat so someone else can sit on the train or bus. These sessions will support the positive impact of kindness through self-care which can help boost our self-esteem and wellbeing. All your inspirations, motivations, loves, fears, hopes and dreams, and even your typical body language are wired into your brain in the form of connections between cells. Wellbeing is a bit trickier to define but in the simplest terms, it means “the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy” (Google Dictionary). To receive or to give kindness is an act of courage. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B: Diener E, Suh E, Oishi S. Recent findings on subjective well-being. Hi, I'm running an experiment for my uni dissertation and need more participants. Anxiety, the University of British Columbia did a study on a group of highly anxious individuals in which they performed at least 6 acts of kindness a week. Unexpected Acts of Kindness can make ALL of the difference to everyone around. The Little Book of Kindness will teach you how to be kind to yourself, to strangers, to those you love, to the world – every day, at every opportunity. An act of kindness can benefit another person's life, but it can also hugely benefit yours - both mentally and physically. The lady said that she remembered when she and her friends used to go out, and how much fun it was. A business with a purpose . A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love. Leave some spare quarters at the laundromat for someone to find. Hello, Theravive - Therapy News And Blogging - Doing good deeds and being kind to others can be good for health and wellbeing. A group of girls was taking classic bathroom “selfies” on their night out at a casino in Canada when a woman noticed and offered to take their pictures for them. Kindness and wellbeing experiment! The woman had recently lost her hair due to chemotherapy treatment. Published : Jan 14, 2019, 12:07 am IST Updated : Jan 14, 2019, 12:07 am IST Today’s modern life style, life becomes hectic. Kindness in words creates confidence. In the world of yoga, this is managed through increased mindfulness as well as the practice of ‘ahimsa’, which is a form of kindness or non-violence to the self, others, and the world. Eli Goldstone, took to Twitter after seeing a book that greatly appealed to her. Compassion and kindness towards oneself are intrinsically woven into it. Oxytocin is commonly called the “love hormone” and this helps to lower blood pressure, improve overall heart health, increase self-esteem and optimism. Self-kindness is important for our wellbeing. Registration Number: 64733564 Reinterpreting the empathy-altruism relationship: When one into one equals oneness. Walster, E., Berscheid, E., & Walster, G.W. Acts of kindness can release hormones that contribute to your mood and overall wellbeing. An important note is that emotional responses are based on whether they are normative or non-normative distinction (Exline, 2012). KINDNESS AND MENTAL WELLBEING Jackie Chan once said, sometimes it takes only one act of kindness and caring to change a person’s life. Self-Care which can help boost our self-esteem and wellbeing are Embedded at the psychology and science on common outcomes and... 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